Industries Outside Transport and Logistics

Industries outside transport and logistics

While our background is in transport demand forecasting our skills are transferable to other sectors of the economy such as agriculture, health, education, housing, retail, energy and waste.


We can help you optimise your operations of getting your produce from the farm gate to the domestic and international markets.

We can help you forecast demand for agricultural products due to growing population, regional migration trends and changes to market conditions.


We can help to optimise hospital supply chain and forecast the need for health care services due to changes to aging population and migration trends.


We can help schools and tertiary education institutions to forecast student numbers in light of demographic changes and industry needs.

Housing and real estate

We can forecast the demand for low and high rise development, social housing needs and optimal location for socially sustainable and equitable outcomes.

We can help you to identify the site to meet your business and community needs. This could be an electric vehicle charging station location, corner store, shopping mall or a school.


We can forecast the demand of energy needs under different market conditions, energy sources and demographic changes.

We can provide choice modelling for grid distribution companies to help them understand if the residents of a particular area would be using electric vehicles, how would the residents be charging the vehicles and with what energy source.


We can help to draw insights into how logistics of transporting waste can be optimised. We are strong believers in circular economy and the slogan remove, reuse and recycle is very close to our heart.


We can help you understand how people make behavioural choices when choosing your products or services. Are they attracted to the quality of the product, the cost or what it feels and looks like?

We can also predict the demand for your products based on the market trends and market conditions.